
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Collection of Vmware VCP-410 Vce/PDF Free Download

Exam Number/Code: VCP-410
Exam Name: VMware Certified Professional on VI4 of Vmware

Q. Creating which of the following optional partitions would change the default partition size for /?
A. /tmp
B. /home
C. /var/log
D. /usr
Answer: D
Q. The ESX Service Console file system structure should (Choose Two):
A. provide separate mount points for /tmp, /var/log and /home
B. avoid filling /
C. avoid filling /home
D. provide separate mount points for /tmp, /var/log, /home and /etc
Answer: AB
Q. Which of the following features is not a part of the vSphere Advanced Edition?
A. VMware Storage VMotion
B. VMware VMotion
C. VMware Data Recovery
D. VMware Fault Tolerance
Answer: A
Q. Which of the following functions cannot be performed remotely and must be performed from the ESXi Direct
Console (Choose Three)?
A. Configure DNS Settings
B. Restart Management Agents
C. Test the Management Network
D. Restore a Standard Switch
E. Configure a Static IP Address
Answer: BCD
Q. In order to upgrade to vSphere 4, an ESX host must have a /boot partition of at least:
A. 150 MB
B. 200 MB
C. 100 MB
D. 50 MB
Answer: C
Q. ESX Service Console patches should be applied (Choose Two):
A. in accordance with VMware Security Advisories
B. when notified on the VMware Security Blog
C. when advised by VMware authorized technical support personnel
D. in accordance with VMware and RedHat Security Advisories
Answer: AC

This dump helps a lot to clear some key points, don't just memorize question take the time to read why is the correct answer, RSTi take the time to clasified and gather information to lets us know why is the correct answer and build a lab to verify your self the questions and the answers, use the vsphere plataform and always try to follow the vmware Best Practice to implement your environment. Remember the exams is build by the partner VMWARE in self, so the question they ask is what they want you to know, if you have the tool to have the most question they make, more good information you learn.

Is true there's about more than 200 pdf of documentation, books, technotes, troubleshooting articles that explain each feature of Vsphere, personally I have a folder with almost 1 GB only in documentation (is A LOT), I think is imposible to know all, but is important to know configuration best practice, most used features, some advanced features, networking, storage. If you don't know something, you can always review the technotes and don't feel bad to use GOOGLE is a powerfull tool that is right there.


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  2. This dump helps loads to clear some key aspects, do not simply memorize query make an effort to watch online movies
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